My name is Pepa Tabakova,
I was wondering what to write on this page of my site. Do not hide that I visitedquite a number of personal sites to figure out what would be best to present this as information. In some write that it is a personal site visit as a guest to go - tea or coffeein the other, they enter at the reader ... I will not quote what I read. But in these days ofeconomic and, of course, spiritual crisis, I think it would be better to enter the minesite, in the reading room of a small community center, the provincial library. You will not find anything but read what happened on this day, will share experiencesmoments with me and mine, I value friends, learn something about the world, there issomething personal for women.
Come to the reading room of my small provincial virtual library because we can not take the time to visit a real one.
I'm waiting for you!
About Us
Приятно ми е, ПЕПА ТАБАКОВА
Автор и администратор на "Blogzablogove" и "ZigZag Library"
Благодаря, че се спряхте тук. Запознайте се с моите размисли, малки разкази, много и интересни факти от живота. Прочетете още за мен и блога ми.
My pleasure, PEPA TABAKOVA,
Author and Admin of "Blogzablogove" и "ZigZag Library"."My Virtual Love. Diary" is my personal blog, my personal space. A place to share and unload.
Thanks for stopping by. Get to know my reflections, short stories, many interesting facts from life.Welcome!