It should be obvious when someone doesn't
like you, but it's not that simple. Sometimes you need someone to tell you that
the guy you like just isn't into you. Yes, it might be hard to accept, but it's
better than wasting your time. Pay attention to how he talks to you, how he
looks at you, and if he treats you differently in front of his friends.
Here are some ways to find an answer to the
question that drives you crazy, namely – is he interested in me?
᷾➽ Never starts the conversation first
A pretty sure sign that he's not interested
in you is if he's always waiting for you to start the conversation. A man who
is interested in you will be impatient and always want you to talk, even if
it's about something minor. If he doesn't initiate the conversation first, it
probably means he doesn't care if you talk or not. Your conversations might be
exciting and even he might like you to some degree, but it's clear that it's
not so much that you're in a relationship. Nothing will happen if you back off
and find someone who will put in more effort.
᷾➽ He doesn't pay attention to you
If he doesn't pay attention to you or shows
a lack of interest when you talk, that's a red flag. He doesn't care at all and
doesn't even make an effort to pretend. When a man really likes you, he will
love to be in your company. He will look you in the eye and listen to your
every word. Anything less than that is a sign that you don't like it.
᷾➽ He doesn't care about your life
It's a bad sign if he shows no interest in
your life. You may be close, but if he's not trying to find out more about you,
it means he's not interested. Maybe he likes you, but the fact that he's not
interested in your life shows that he has no romantic intentions towards you
and therefore has no reason to ask you questions about your life.
᷾➽ Makes excuses
Any man who constantly makes excuses is not
worth your time. The usual ones are that he is too busy, tired, or something
happened at work. If it happens once or twice, don't pay attention, but if he's
always canceling your dates at the last minute, that's a clear indication that
he doesn't value your time. When he's really interested, he won't leave you -
he'll want to see you every chance he gets.
᷾➽ Responds slowly to your messages
Texting is usually a good indication of how
much he cares about you. You answer him almost instantly, but he takes much
longer. Yes, he may have reasons - he may be at work or he may have left his
phone in the other room. However, if it takes him a day or two to get back to
you, then it's clear he's not interested. If it takes even longer, then you
have a definitive answer. Also pay attention to the length of the messages - if
he replies with one word at a time, this is a clear sign that he is not interested
in your conversation.
᷾➽ Disappears
This is one of the most obvious signs. Disappears for days or weeks and shows no concern for your feelings. There could be many reasons why he's doing this - he's found someone else or he doesn't know how to tell you that he's not interested in you anymore. Whatever the reason, he should be honest with you instead of leaving you wondering what happened. Any man who disappears out of the blue is not someone you should start a relationship with.
This type of person is usually insecure and
finds it difficult to commit to just one person. You don't need them - find
someone who will give you more than that.
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